Friday, March 23, 2007
From masbate city: my beloved province
Last week March 15, 2007 i went to Masbate City to visit my lola. It is so much fun even i had stayed there for just 2 days. I reminisce my past memories their while in JZSES where i take elementary in four years.

Here are some photos to share when i went to Masbate.

Dried fish or in general sea foods is one of themost well known of Masbate. Aside from sea foods they are also known for their quality cow meats milk pastillas/karmilado, and more. This products are also exported to other countries. Masbate is also known because every year they celebrate "Rodeo Masbateno" because of that Masbate became Rodeo Capital of the Philippines.

My lola's b-day cake

Lola eating the first slice of cake

Fastcraft, one of the most convenient transportion in going to Masbate from Pilar, Sorsogon.

posted by paul @ 2:10 AM  
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